What's Next 4/14/2024

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Memorize Luke 9:23

Give something up to follow Jesus

Commit to seeking God in prayer

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Memorize Luke 9:23

This week's study

Encounters with Jesus are not just historical stories we read in the Bible. These encounters are  transformative experiences that shaped the lives of those individuals – so much so that we are retelling these stories still today. As we enter into this new series, despite our diverse backgrounds and experiences, what unites us is the profound impact of encountering Jesus. Each encounter offers a unique story. Yet, we are all united by one common thread – Jesus changes everything.

This week we learn of Peter, a seasoned fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. His encounter with Jesus began as he was cleaning his nets after a night of fishing. Despite being familiar with Jesus as a carpenter, Peter allowed Him into his boat, demonstrating a level of trust. This initial trust evolved as Jesus asked Peter to push off from shore, challenging him to deeper waters both physically and spiritually. Peter’s initial trust led to placing his faith, and ultimately his belief in Jesus.

Like Peter, we're often comfortable wading in the shallow waters of faith, but Jesus calls us to dive deeper. It may seem illogical or even foolish, but obedience leads us to deeper belief. Peter's willingness to obey, though hesitant, led to a miraculous catch of fish.

Ultimately, Peter's encounter led to profound belief. Witnessing the miraculous, he fell to his knees in awe, recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. This belief shattered his preconceptions, redirecting his life's trajectory. No longer just a fisherman, Peter was called to a higher purpose — to become a fisher of men.  Peter’s experience reminds us that one encounter with Jesus can have a radical impact on our future.

As we reflect on Peter's journey, ask yourself: Are we willing to push beyond the shallow waters of faith? Are we ready to obey, even when it seems irrational? And most importantly, are you prepared for an encounter with Jesus that will radically change everything?

Questions to Consider

  1. In what ways do you relate to Peter's initial hesitation to push beyond the familiar and comfortable into deeper waters of faith? How do you navigate moments of uncertainty or doubt in your own faith journey?
  2. Consider the concept of trust in relation to Peter's willingness to allow Jesus into his boat. How does trust play a role in your relationship with Jesus? How do you cultivate and deepen trust in your spiritual life?
  3. Discuss the significance of obedience in Peter's story. Have there been times in your life when you've been called to obey God's prompting, even when it seemed irrational or challenging? How did obedience impact your faith journey?
  4. Share about a time when you encountered Jesus in a way that radically changed your perspective or direction in life. How did this encounter impact your relationship with Jesus and your understanding of His character?
  5. As we consider Peter's journey, what practical steps can we take to cultivate a deeper, more transformative encounter with Jesus in our own lives? How can we remain open and receptive to His leading, even when it challenges our preconceptions or comforts?

Further study

  • In what ways do you relate to Peter's initial hesitation to push beyond the familiar and comfortable into deeper waters of faith? How do you navigate moments of uncertainty or doubt in your own faith journey?
  • Consider the concept of trust in relation to Peter's willingness to allow Jesus into his boat. How does trust play a role in your relationship with Jesus? How do you cultivate and deepen trust in your spiritual life?
  • Discuss the significance of obedience in Peter's story. Have there been times in your life when you've been called to obey God's prompting, even when it seemed irrational or challenging? How did obedience impact your faith journey?