ATTENDERS commit with time.

VENTURE FAMILY commit with time, talents, and their first 10%.

PARTNERS commit with extravagant generosity for the sake of mission.

WHAT is partner?

As Venture Church continues to grow, we want our capacity to advance Kingdom mission to grow as well. Partner is the financial engine that helps us accomplish this huge endeavor. Partner streamlines your "above-and-beyond the tithe" giving to strategically further mission in 4 key areas, which we call the Cornerstones of Partner.. 

Through your generosity, Partner aims  for Kingdom advancement in Missions, Ministry,  Marketplace, and Expansion.  

WHere do partner resources go?

All Partner generosity goes directly toward Kingdom impact through one of our cornerstones. Under Partner, each cornerstone has an annual budget . The allocation of Partner generosity is also prioritized based on obligations and donor intent, for instance, we will always honor our commitments to our local and global missionaries first. 

Whether you are looking to support our mission, ministry, or expansion through capital projects, Partner streamlines the giving process.

Watch: what is partner - or - partner update

How to get involved

You can get involved in three ways: pray, partner, and participate.
  • PRAYER: As Partner continues to support ministries happening at the church and across the world, prayer over our missionaries, volunteers, marketplace, and building expansion is deeply appreciated.
  • PARTNER: The next step is to partner with us by giving above and beyond your tithes and see your generosity used to further kingdom work.
  • PARTICIPATE: The third way to join the mission is to participate in upcoming Partner events and give with your time and service.

Upcoming partner events 

Compassion Sunday (9/1)

"I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ."

Philemon 1:6

Partner Calendar