Whether you heard the message from Sunday or are part of one of our “What’s Next” groups at Venture, here’s a way for you to go deeper.
this week's next steps
I will memorize Genesis 1:1
I understand my value in the eyes of God
I will read Genesis 1 & 2 in preparation for next week.
As we begin our journey through the book of Genesis, it's essential to remember that God's Word is inexhaustible. Whether you're reading it for the first time or as a seasoned scholar, there's always something new to learn. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is foundational—introducing us to the beginnings of creation, humanity, and many aspects of life. Written by Moses through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Genesis gives us not just a historical account but also a divine narrative that leads to redemption. In its pages, we meet ourselves and discover God's plan for restoring our relationship with Him.
Genesis is more than a story of creation—it's about redemption. From the very first verse, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," we see the declaration of a Creator with a purpose. God’s act of creation was intentional, and it reminds us that we are not here by accident but were created with great value and purpose. The profound truths found in Genesis, from the nature of God to His eternal presence and omnipotence, all point to His plan for our redemption. As we dive into this study, may we understand more deeply that Jesus was there from the beginning, and His presence is woven throughout Scripture, guiding us back to Him.
Genesis is more than a story of creation—it's about redemption. From the very first verse, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," we see the declaration of a Creator with a purpose. God’s act of creation was intentional, and it reminds us that we are not here by accident but were created with great value and purpose. The profound truths found in Genesis, from the nature of God to His eternal presence and omnipotence, all point to His plan for our redemption. As we dive into this study, may we understand more deeply that Jesus was there from the beginning, and His presence is woven throughout Scripture, guiding us back to Him.
Questions to Consider
- What does it mean that God's Word is inexhaustible, and how does that apply to our study of Genesis?
- How does understanding that Genesis is about more than creation but also about redemption shape the way we approach this book?
- How does knowing that you were created by God with purpose and meaning impact your view of yourself and your life’s direction?
- What attributes of God (His omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence) stand out most to you from Genesis, and how do they shape your understanding of who He is?
- How does John 1:1-3 connect with Genesis 1:1 in showing the presence of Jesus "in the beginning"? What does this reveal about the role of Jesus in creation and redemption?
This Week's Bible Reading Plan
Resources for our Study
Recommended Reading:
The NIV Application Commentary Genesis by John H. Walton
The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God by Lee Strobel
Genesis: A Commentary by Bruce Waltke
Genesis: A Parsha Companion by David Forman
Life Lessons from Genesis: Book of Beginnings by Max Lucado
The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God by Lee Strobel
Genesis: A Commentary by Bruce Waltke
Genesis: A Parsha Companion by David Forman
Life Lessons from Genesis: Book of Beginnings by Max Lucado