What's Next?

Whether you heard the message from Sunday or are part of one of our “What’s Next” groups at Venture, here’s a way for you to go deeper.

this week's next steps

Identify an area in your life that was dead where Jesus can bring new life

Practice humility using the example of Jairus

Memorize Matthew 7:7-8


In the midst of life's tumultuous journey, where we navigate through the highs and lows, there lies a profound truth: the end isn't always the end. Just as the story of Jairus illustrates, our encounters with Jesus can rewrite the script of our lives, infusing hope, healing, and restoration into seemingly hopeless situations. Jairus, a man driven by desperation and faith, sought Jesus for a miracle that defied the grasp of death itself. In his plea, we witness the power of a brief yet profound conversation with Jesus, where transformation unfolds in an instant.

The story of Jairus intertwines with that of a woman who had suffered for twelve years, her affliction rendering her desperate for a touch of healing.
As those stories meet, we discover a pivotal truth: with Jesus, not everything that appears dead is truly dead, and not everything deemed unfixable is beyond His reach. Through faith, the woman reached out and was made whole, her story echoing the promise that with Jesus, transformation knows no bounds. As we journey through our own trials, we're reminded that our encounters with Jesus hold the power to redefine our circumstances, breathing life into the seemingly lifeless and restoring hope where despair once reigned.

In the faithful steps of Jairus, we find a blueprint for navigating life's challenges with humility, seeking out Jesus for the miraculous touch that only He can provide. Admitting our need for His intervention, seeking Him earnestly in personal communion, and embracing unwavering faith in His power to transform, we embark on a journey marked by divine encounters and supernatural breakthroughs. As we heed the lessons from this faithful father, may we too approach Jesus with open hearts, ready to receive His healing touch and walk in the fullness of His promises.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Reflecting on the story of Jairus and the woman with the twelve-year ailment, how do their encounters with Jesus challenge our perceptions of hopelessness and impossibility in our own lives?
  2. Discuss the significance of the woman's touch on Jesus' robe and its immediate impact on her healing. How does this moment highlight the importance of reaching out to Jesus in our own struggles, regardless of how long we've endured them?
  3. Reflect on the concept that with Jesus, the end isn't always the end. How does this perspective challenge conventional notions of finality and closure in our lives? How can we apply this truth to areas where we may feel stuck or defeated?
  4. Consider the role of humility in seeking out Jesus for help, as exemplified by Jairus. How does admitting our need for intervention pave the way for divine breakthroughs in our lives?
  5. Discuss the idea that our encounters with Jesus hold the power to redefine our circumstances. How have you experienced this firsthand or witnessed it in the lives of others?

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